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Pipeline hazards

I've coded up a first go at four pipeline stages so far: Fetch, Decode, Execute, and Write. After the relative complexity of the Fetch implementation, the rest has been pretty straight forward, and I've started running the first bit of compiled code through the pipline. Here's that start of our Hello World C application. It's __start from crt0.o:

00001000 <__start>:
    1000:       01 10 00 40     ldi.l    $sp, 0x400000
    1004:       00 00
    1006:       01 00 00 00     ldi.l    $fp, 0x0
    100a:       00 00
    100c:       91 0c           dec      $sp, 0xc

This code simply initializes the stack and frame pointers, and makes room for a new stack frame (just ignore the obvious inefficiencies for now!).

Running this through the pipline, I can see the first ldi.l make it's way through Fetch, Decode, Execute (basically nothing) and Write. The second ldi.l works similarly. Then we get to the dec. In order to decrement, we need to read the $sp from the register file in Decode, perform the subtraction in Execute, and save it back to the register file in Write. But when I first ran it through the verilog simulator I saw the dec instruction reading 0x00000000 from $sp instead of 0x400000. I'm only three instructions into my first simulation and I've hit my first pipeline hazard! The 0x400000 from the first instruction hasn't been written to $sp yet, as we're just about to start the Write stage for that instruction!

So the next step is to add a little hazard detection to the pipeline control logic. I'm going to stick with pipeline interlocks for now (stuffing NOPs in the middle of the pipeline) instead of more complicated forwarding logic.

As usual, everything is in moxiedev. Just "cd moxiedev/moxie/rtl/verilog && make && ./a.out" to run the simulation.

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